Fitness Tip: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

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You work out, you’re eating better. But the scale isn’t budging. A lot of times, it could be because you have a liar in your midst. The fitness equipment.

Often times the elliptical, treadmill, or cycle can overestimate the calories burned by 30-50%! Well, if you use that number to calculate you net calories, you might be blowing your budget without meaning too.  Example: You are trying to budget for 1500 calories. If your elliptical says you burned 1000, then that means you have earned the additional 1000 calories. So you eat a total of 2500 calories for the day. And you are gaining weight. Because in reality you only burned 500 calories. And if this pattern keeps up everyday, the 500 calories over budget per day would make you gain one lb per week.

Fitness equipment is notorious for lying to make you feel good and get back to the gym. Here is a link that I like to use to calculate how many calories I’m REALLY burning.

So if the scale is stuck, maybe you need to block out the info panel on the treadmill and recalculate your budget.

Snack Smart: Salads are not always low calorie

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Are you trying to lose weight? So you automatically pick the salad off the menu? Sadly, salad does not always equal low calorie or healthy.

Most commercial salads have cheese, croutons, some have breaded chicken or bacon, maybe guacamole. None of these things are bad per se. But they certainly hike up the calorie count. The worst offender is the dressing! You can easily use 300+ calories just on 2 tablespoons of dressing. Ugh that’s a bag of M&Ms.

So make your own fresh and yummy salad. Here’s mine: fresh diced tomatoes, cucumber slices, fresh lettuce. Tossed with balsamic vinegar straight from the cooking bottle. Not the vinaigrette dressing. Yum and under 150 calories.

2 more days until … Gulp.

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2 more days until I run the marathon. I’m going to be getting up a 3:15 to catch a 3:45 bus. Then I’ll get to wait by a fire in a barrel, trying not to freeze up Provo Canyon. Then, I can get smooshed like a sardine with the other 2000 people at the starting line. All so I can run for 5+ hours and burn roughly the equavilent calories to one pound of fat.


To prove I can. To prove to myself that I can do something that’s hard, painful, and sometimes makes me cry… and still push through and finish. It’s my reminder that I can beat anything. One step at a time. With lots of walking breaks. 😉

I’ll post all about the race either late Saturday or Sunday. Assuming my legs haven’t fallen off.

And in case you are wondering, the best things running a marathon? The finishers medal… And the after marathon meal. I’ve just burned 3500 calories. I can eat ANYTHING ;p

Snack Smart: Just a taste

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How many times have I been looking forward all day to the brownie that I’ve budgeted for. Five seconds later, its over. The brownie is gone, and I want it back.  Temptation is to grab another brownie, but I’m better than that. Most of the time. 🙂  This is what I’ve started to do instead.

I break my treat into four pieces to enjoy throughout the day. Think about it. When you inhale a treat, your tastebuds are really just tasting that first bite. So why not have that first bite… all day. Stick to that one brownie or cookie, but make it last for a while. You trick your tastebuds into thinking you’ve had more than you’ve actually had.

Extra tip for you mommies. Make sure you do not leave your partially eaten treat out for small children to find. They seem to think its fair game.

Portion Control Made Easy

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Once again, it is time for me to stand up and own my problems.  I have an issue with portion control. A portion to me is whatever the heck is on my plate. I still have it drilled into me from when I was a kid and my mom would say, “Eat it all, there are starving kids in China.” Even if I’m not really hungry, I will keep picking at what’s left on the plate.

My solution? Only put on the plate what I can eat. At home, I’ll premake meals in individual portion sizes in disposable tupperwares. That way I can just grab one, reheat it, then eat the whole thing. And then I know I didn’t eat too much.  If I’m eating out, I’ll get a to go box at the same time my food comes. Then I look at the plate and figure out what my portion should truly be. Then dump the rest in the doggy bag. Voila, I can now eat everything on my plate.

What about treats? Because no matter what diet you are on, everyone needs treats. Whenever I open a box or bag of cookies, I will go through and separate them into individual ziploc baggies with two cookies each. That usually equals 150 calories. Perfect for what I have allocated in my budget for treats that day. So now when I want something, I just grab a baggie and I don’t have to worry about my will power and looking down and finding half the box of vanilla wafers gone.

Give premeasuring a try. It’s alittle time consuming and OCD but well worth the effort.

Long Run: Blessed taper

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Right now is my favorite part of marathon training, the taper. About three weeks before the marathon, you do your longest run of the training. Then for the next three weeks, you taper down the miles until the week of the marathon, you are only running 2 miles at a time. After last Sunday’s 20 miler, I was thrilled that today was only 12. I know only 12 sounds a little nutty, but after you’ve already hit the much higher and harder numbers, 12 is a godsend.

The idea behind taper is that high intensity long lasting cardio is hell on you muscles and bones. Duh. So after you peak, you need those three weeks to repair the damage you’ve done by working it so hard. Makes me wonder, if this is built in, how crazy are all of us to do this knowing we are causing damage in the first place. Just a thought.

But that’s why I like the taper. It’s a rest, but it’s also actively recovering, healing, licking my wounds.I think I need to introduce the taper in the rest of my life. I think I’ve mentioned that I’m going back to college to finish up my degree in English. I wonder how they would feel about a taper. Amp up in homework until about three weeks before the final, then give little or no homework, allowing your brain to stop frying from all the cramming. I think it’s brilliant.

I need to figure out how to work this in with my family.  “I’m sorry, I can’t take anymore together time. I’m maxed out and I need to taper.”

There is a sad part to the taper though. The less calories I burn, the less calories I can consume. I can’t get away with that extra brownie anymore.

Oh well, can’t have it all.

Potpourri: Muffin FAIL

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I was running out the door one morning and starving. I didn’t have time for my cottage cheese, and I was out of yogurt. So I thought I would just grab one of my husbands muffins from Costco. Couldn’t be too bad right? I mean it’s a muffin for heaven’s sake. I figured 400 calories tops.  When I checked later that day to add to my calorie total I was floored. 695!!!!

So not fair that it take 5 minutes to consume and 70 minutes to run off.

Snack Smart: Late night snacking

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Late night snacking has recently become the bane of my existence. After the kiddos go to bed, I’ll usually catch an 8 oclock zumba or yoga class. Then I’ll come home and lock myself away in my writer’s cave with a few cans of Diet Coke and a bowl full of cereal.

I know, not the smartest behavior on the planet. And I totally know better. Right now I can get away with it because I am running 40 + miles a week. But in less than a month, my training will be over, and I will need to batten down the hatches.

Why am I eating? Because I’ve gone and revved my metabolism by taking a late class. True, but also just because I like to have something to pop in my mouth while I’m writing.  A very bad habit I need to break. Or at least substitute for grapes or berries.

Food is fuel. Do I need fuel right before I go to bed? No, probably not. So why am I filling up my tummy, go so it can sit and turn to fat while I attempt to sleep. Or have weird food dreams. (Who here hasn’t had the late night cold pizza dream)

So my new goal is to stop. If I workout late, I will have a glass of chocolate milk or protein shake when I get home, then nothing. After 7, no solid food shall pass these lips.

I’ll post an update next week and let you know how my resolve is going. Let the fridge raids cease!

Fitness Tip: Which exercise burns the most calories?

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The title of this post asks a question: Which exercise burns the most calories?

The answer is simple. And it’s the same no matter what new fangled gadgets come out or what experts say.

The exercise that burns the most calories is the one you actually do.

If you feel cheated, I apologize, but its true. Running burns more calories than riding the cycle. But if you hate to run, then what are the odds you’ll keep doing it?

The only way to lead an active life is to enjoy it. Back in the old days, I would go the gym  for an hour and kill myself trying to burn as many calories as humanly possible.  Of course I was so sore for the rest of the week that I couldn’t make myself get back there. So guess how long that lasted. Not long. Then it was back to riding the couch.

Generally, it’s pretty hard to do something for the rest of your life that makes you miserable. Find something you enjoy. Something you’ll look forward to. A walk, a hike, a bike ride. Maybe a zumba class or yoga.

Doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you keep doing it. And that’s how you’ll burn the most calories.