Budgeting Time

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If you read this blog regularly, you are familiar with the concept of the calorie budget. I have recently learned that other things need to exist on a budget… aside from my credit cards.

Time is a tough thing to learn to budget, and there is no way to borrow it. You can’t take out a line and pay it back later. There are only 24 hours in a day. How you divide that time is your budget. If you allocate too much time to a goal, and not enough for sleep, everything suffers.  On the other side, if you don’t allocate enough time to your goal, like marathon training or fitness, reaching that goal will be next to impossible to read.

It’s a fine line of finessing. One I don’t have quite figured out yet. I’m done with marathon training, so I have that chunk free. I finished certifying as a yoga instructor. But now I am working on the rewrites of a third book, a young adult fractured Oz fairy tale, and it is eating all my time. If word count is any indication, it’s getting fat.

The point is, I am making a choice. By budgeting my time sitting and writing, that means less time to hit the gym. Less time reading to my kids. No time to do housework. If I was attempting to write a book and run a marathon and have the perfect house… guess how many of those goals I would actually achieve. A poor time budget often leads to quitting a project in the middle. Finish it. Put in the time and effort necessary to get it done.

Choose your goals wisely, then budget your time with equal care.

No Crap Challenge

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I’m down to goal weight again. But I still feel like crap. In talking to my friend, she implied it’s probably because of the crap food I use to fuel my body. You are what you eat and all that.

So on Monday, I invented the No Crap Challenge. It’s 30 days with no fried foods. No refined sugar. And no enriched white flour.

As of today I am 4 days crap clean. Suprisingly, I am less hungry than I’ve been in weeks. The cravings have subsided mostly. Amazingly, I even resisted the cinnamon roll my friends shoved under my nose. (They are my kryptonite)

I’ll keep you updated. Just to be clear, my calorie budget hasn’t changed. I’m not trying to lose any more weight. Just fuel my machine like a high end Ferrari instead of a POS Pinto.

Balancing Act

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Something I have always struggled with is balance. Which is somewhat ironic since I have the kanji letters for it tattooed on my back.

My balance issues don’t just stop with tree pose in yoga, I have difficulty balancing all the aspects of my life. Home, school, motherhood, writing, running… sleep.  I am notorious for picking one or two, and going gung ho and ignoring all the others. Lately that has been marathon training and writing. At least 5- 6 hours daily is devoted to the two. My poor children are orphans and my house is in shambles.

Next weekend I run my marathon. It’s not an exaggeration to say I feel like I’ve been running myself ragged. I’m really looking forward to the change in pace. But I have been so all involved in the running and writing, that I am losing sight of all the other things in my life that need attention. I have been killing myself and stressing to finish this new book on some arbitrary deadline that I have created for myself. It’s not much fun anymore, and I am getting too close to the story and I think it needs some breathing room. I need to spend some time on other things. In particular, I really want to walk through my house without tripping on toys and clothes.  Or tools… hint hint to my hubby.

So let the great house clean up begin. For the next two weeks I am dedicating a few hours everyday to cleaning the disaster formerly known as my home. Of course, when I clean, I still have trouble with balance. I tend to go with the torch it all mentality. If it’s not necessary in my daily function, it gets donated to someone else. My husband almost hates to ask me to clean, because he loses so much stuff afterwards. But he’s a pack rat and who really needs 5 old computer monitors anyway?

So wish me luck. Hopefully I won’t fall victim to the mountain of crap in my garage, and hopefully I can still find time to get an hour a day in on the WIP. That would truly be a good sign that my balancing is improving.

S is for Success

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So What is Success? What does it look like? When do you know you have it?

These are all questions that I’ve struggled with (ok still struggling).
Whatever I did, someone was better. Half of my friends went to Ivy League schools and the other half skipped school and became actors, writers, etc. And who was I? A stay at home mom. Big freakin whoop.
I didn’t have a big important 9-5 corporate job. Hilary Rosen would accuse me of “… never having worked a day” in my life.

Well this past year I’ve learned how to look at success a little differently. I even have a whole chapter about it in my book, Finished being Fat: An accidental adventure in losing weight and learning to finish. (coming out in January 2013, 🙂 thank you for asking ) As darn near every woman can tell you, motherhood is the hardest and lowest salaried job on the planet. First you have to grow a human being, which is pretty impressive considering I can’t even get my veggies to grow.  You are responsible to teach your kids right from wrong, clean up sick, feed them healthy stuff, feed them crap when they won’t eat the healthy stuff, get them to school in semi clean clothes, make sure when they’re teenagers that they keep going to school, and the list goes on and on. Motherhood is definitely not 9-5, it’s 9-life.

I’ve decided that if my kids are still alive at the end of the day, I’m a success. It doesn’t matter if they’re the cutest dressed kids on the block, or the lead in the school play.  As long as they are growing and improving as little people, then I must be doing something right.

Now for the hard part, applying what I’ve learned to writing. At first, my only goal was to finish a book. Once I did that the next logical step was to get it published. Okay, did that. Now I’m told that if I want my book to be a “success” it’s up to me to market the heck out of it. So I’m working my butt off, doing all the things my publisher has asked me to do: work on building an author’s platform, blog, gather facebook friends, tweet stuff, get endorsements.

I’ve started having nightmares. I’m over analyzing everything I do. Do enough people “like” me? Do I have enough followers? How many people are reading my blogs? Once again, whatever I’m doing, it feels like it’s not enough. I feel like a failure compared to everyone else.

Stop. Reboot. Go back to my original question. What is success? Is it being on the New York Times Best-sellers list? Is it have 5000 Facebook friends and hundreds of likes per post? Is it getting on a daytime talk show? If I did all these things then could I finally call myself a “success”?

Those things are all nice and fabulous, but I think success is something a little deeper. Just like in motherhood, I think success is changing one life for the better. Even if it’s your own. If your story, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, has touched someone… congratulations- you are a successful writer. So What if you self publish, or have a small indie publisher. Doesn’t matter.You have made a difference. Something you created has made the world a little brighter.

If that isn’t success, I don’t know what is.

M is for Mistakes in Motherhood

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Not a day goes by without a moment where I think, yup I have scarred my kids for life.

Words sound a whole lot different coming out of my mouth than my five year old’s. Sometimes I can’t tell how harsh something sounds until it’s parroted back at me.

The other night my oldest daughter was playing with her little sister. Apparently a two and half year old does not grasp the finer nuances of whack-a-mole and my preshcooler took issue with that.
 “If you can’t play right, you don’t get to play,” she shouted and threw the game across the room.
I took issue with her behavior. My reply was angry and scolding,  “If you can’t play nicely, you won’t have any friends and no one will want to play with you.” Then, since it was close to bedtime, I sent her off to her room to chill out and go to sleep early.

Alas she did not go quietly in the night. For the next half hour I could hear her screaming from her bed. “I don’t want to go to sleep. I hate you. I’m going to go find a new family.”  A little while later I heard the phrase that broke my heart. “I don’t want to be alone. I need friends.”

Somewhere along the line I had screwed up. I had made a colossal mistake in motherhood and made my daughter feel unloved. It had not been my intent to hurt, just a frustrated attempt at correction. So What was I gonna do about it now?

I felt it would be an even worse mistake to let my child go off to sleep thinking that no one loved her. So I sat down with her, gave her loves and took the 2 minutes to explain why her behavior was unacceptable. Basically what I should have done in the first place. Afterwards I got my kiss goodnight and she was out like a light.

Not so much for me. I sobbed to my husband that I was the worst mother in the whole world. That we should start saving now because my kids would end up having huge therapy bills. He reminded me that kids were pretty darn resilient and my daughter would get over it. And the next time I got angry, I should just love ’em to death.

Sure enough, the next day my daughter gave me oodles of love and hugs. Telling me she loved me, that I was the best mommy ever. What I learned was that everybody makes mistakes. In particular, I will continue to make mistakes. It’s what we do afterwards that defines us as a parent.

I for one am going to apologize to my mother for the time I packed up my stuffed animals and ran away to my best friends house. I don’t remember what she did that made me so angry, but I remember the tears in her eyes when she couldn’t find me. Sure when I was discovered I got grounded, but I also got nearly hugged to death.

D is for the Doctor

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Today’s favorite alphabet letter is about me and the Doctor. Doctor who you might ask. Exactly. Doctor Who. I absolutely love Doctor Who. And David Tenant is hands down my favorite Doctor of all time.  I’m not ashamed to say I wept for days after he regenerated. So what exactly does this have to do with me? Well I’ll tell you.

Recently I was editing for a pal of mine. I don’t do any line edits, since as you can see from my posts, my grammar and comma use is atrocious. The one thing I have a knack for is content editing. Specifically, helping with a narrative voice. After giving my friend all the feedback I could, she gave me the coolest nickname ever– the Voice Doctor. My brain made the clear and obvious jump to imagining me alongside the Doctor. Him, fixing the world with his sonic screwdriver. Me, fixing manuscripts with my red sharpie. Yep, I should totally be the next Companion.

What’s your favorite D scifi word?

C is for Cookie, that’s good enough for me.

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Long before Elmo, I had another favorite furry little monster… Cookie Monster.

This little blue friend was a cookie obsessed monster. I grew up and by preschool firmly had a concept of the letter C. Because of the cookie monster song. Now that I have kidlets of my own, I’ve noticed Cooke Monster has changed his tune a bit. Now instead of gorging on cookies he tries to practice self control.  And worse, gasp, eat veggies.

Has Sesame street bowed to political pressure?

Sad but true, yes. Well it’s kinda sad.  As a parent I am glad that the TV is emphasizing healthy eating habits in a fight against obesity. On the other side of the cookie, I feel like they have messed with something sacred. He was a bit of my childhood that I don’t want messed with. It’s like if you took all the cartoon violence out of the road runner cartoons. Had them talk it out.  Wouldn’t be the same.

So C is also for Change and Childhood today. What’s a C from your childhood?

B is for Birthday

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B is my all time favorite letter of the alphabet. Here are a few of my favorite B things.
birthday cake 240x300 Birthday Cake Ideas For Little Kids
Obviously, B is for Betsy. But it’s also for bear, baby, baboon bums, biscuits, and best of all…. birthdays.

My Birthday is in 2 days, I will be 30…again. My favorite birthday tradition is the Happy Birthday video texts.  Each of my sister’s families and my in-laws SMS me a text video of them singing Happy Birthday as a family. The kidlet ones are cute and have the little extras like “Ohh lala” and “Cha cha cha”. The in-laws video is extremely off key and it’s become a matter of pride to see who’s video is the most ear shattering.

Then there’s the Birthday dinner. The one night a year where I take off all my food restrictions ad my hubby prepares all my favorites. This year it’s Sweet corn spoon bread, sweet potato, caramel mash, and Lion House Rolls. Life doesn’t get any better– until the weigh in the next day 😉

B is also for book. As in I have a deadline to meet and a book to finish writing.

What’s your favorite B word?

A is for AHHHHHH!!!

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My other blog that I collaborate on is doing the A-Z Challenge, so I thought I would give it a try too, because it sounds fun. (gulp)  So the idea is that you post a topic devoted to the next letter of the alphabet all through April. Except for the first one, there are no posts on Sunday. I am opting for the theme, “These are a few of my favorite things, A-Z”

So here goes, A is for AHHHHHH! Ahhh, is one of my favorite expletives. This whole blogging experiment is a scary idea, and a little intimidating. But if you have read me before, you know I am all about goals and challenges. They make you feel Alive and like you’ve really Achieved something.

Now if you’ll excuse me, A is also for my daughter’s pink stuffed Alligator Ally, that is need of immediate tail surgery.

What’s your favorite A word?