Not So Great Expectations

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The diet culture in America has so many myths and lies, it’s nearly impossible to navigate.  The one I believe is the most damaging — the idea that if we just diet and exercise, we can all look like Kate Beckinsdale. Or for the guys, if you lift enough, you can be ripped like Gerard Butler in the movie 300.  And if you don’t look like that, then you are not trying hard enough.

Surprise, these not so great expectations are often make your diet efforts stall. Or reverse. We need to understand that our bodies are all different. Not just metabolism and whatnot. But our healthy and ideal selves. Some body types will always be hippy. Some will be sticks with no curves no matter what.  And that’s okay. Be healthy. Get your body into a place where it functions well. Where you burn fuel efficiently and have good fitness.

So stop expecting what will never be and look forward to what you have ahead as a healthier person. And then love whatever that looks like. Even if you’ve can’t get that 6 pack. Or that flat tummy after the 2 kids.

I challenge you to have the courage to start. Even if you’ve failed a hundred times before. Approach it differently, with no goal of supermodeldom. You can succeed and finish being fat, find a healthier lifestyle, and still not be a barbie clone. I promise.

Snack Smart: Dessert Budget

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Anyone who has ever tried to go without sugar or treats can probably tell you… it doesn’t last very long. And if you fall off the dessert wagon, it can be a rough landing. Here’s an idea to try.

Within your daily budget (caloric budget) allot 100-200 calories at the end of the day for your favorite treat. (chocolate!!) but there’s a catch. If you blow your budget by the end of the day, and don’t have enough calories left in your bank… no treat for you. Reward yourself for sticking to your goals and calorie count. And you are having just the right sized portion too.

Sometimes, this is what helps me resist the chips or the extra big lunch — knowing that at the end of the day, I have a favorite goodie waiting for me.

Fitness Tip: Modifications

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Now that I’m a fitness instructor, (sport yoga), I’ve come to really appreciate the importance of modifications.

A lot of people are afraid to go to fitness classes because they feel they might not be up to snuff physically. It might be too hard. A good teacher will be able to tell you low impact modifications or how to lighten up on weights.

I have people in my yoga classes that can put their feet behind their ears. In the same class I have a man that can’t touch his toes. So I make sure to give a few versions of the same pose so that everyone gets just the right workout for them.

So don’t be afraid to speak up if something is a little too tough for you to do right now. If you have a quality instructor, they’ll give you a few options to tone it down a notch or two.

Rich Tummy, Poor Tummy

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Today I have a word of advice, a cautionary tale really. If you have been on a restrictive diet, or recently cut foods out – go slow when you re-introduce them.

For the last month, I have been eating really well as result of the No Crap challenge. Then a few days ago it was my father in law’s birthday. We had a birthday dinner in his honor. His girlfriend made yummy chicken enchiladas, but they were extremely rich and creamy. I haven’t really had anything rich for a long while, so while it tasted good at the time, I have been paying for it every since. My system just isn’t used to processing fatty foods like that, so my poor tummy has just been in agony for days.

The moral of this story is, when you haven’t had a food in a long time, don’t have a big amount of it. Just a dab will do ya. Give your body a chance to get used to it again. This can be especially true if you are going from a low or no carb diet, than all of the sudden start eating carbs.

It’s good to switch things up and confuse your body, like in muscle confusion strategies or calorie varying techniques. But be careful and don’t surprise your tummies too much or you’ll be moaning and groaning like me.

Snack Smart: Fruit Ap-peel

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I don’t care what so called experts say, fruit makes a great snack. You’ve probably heard its bad since its high in fructose. Yes, that’s true. But not high fructose corn syrup, natural god made sugars. And the creator is pretty smart. Fruits have a build in mechanism to help break down and transform those enzymes.

The peal

The fiber of the peal has a chemical effect on how we digest the fructose. So it drives me crazy when people go to all the trouble of pealing an apple. Don’t! It’s not a PB&J sandwich you take the crust off of. Teach your kids to like it with the peel.

Obviously you are not going to eat a banana peel, or an orange rind. But things like apples, pears, peaches, plums… Leave em be.

Snack Smart: Read the label, not just the bold print

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Here’s a little lesson for ya. I was in Costco today, buying protein powder. The muscle milk mix had in bold face on the front 32 grams protein per serving. The cytosport mix said 27 grams per serving.

Duh, I grabbed the muscle milk. While pushing around the cart, I took a closer look. Apparently, muscle milk’s had two serving possibilities listed. One scoop was 155 calories. 2 scoops was 310 calories. Guess which one they were touting on the front. That’s right 32 grams equals 310 calories.

I went back to check on the cytosport They were only one scoop equaling 140 calories with 27 g protein. Why the huge discrepancy? Because muscle milk puts more ‘stuff’ in their mix to improve the taste. But it doubles the calories. If they had put the single scoop count on the front, they wouldn’t compare and they would lose the advertising game.

Make no mistake, the food industry is playing a big game for your dollars. Pay attention and read the labels. Don’t let yourself be fooled by a tricky marketing ploy.

Sliding Scale

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Today’s weight 153..2. change . -.8

A little note about weigh ins. Weight fluctuates. Daily. Hourly. Weekly. Monthly. Keep this in mind.

You will weight less after a good nights sleep after emptying your bladder. Obviously, the more you eat and drink, the more you’ll weigh throughout the day. So resist the temptation to weigh again.

Also water and waste weight can make day to day fluctuations. Sunday morning I was 152. Yesterday I was 155.

These little dips and rises used to freak me out. Not anymore. If I’m doing the right thing and sticking to my budget, the weight will come off. Some days more than others. And faster once I can workout again.

But if you stress you can create cortisol otherwise known as the fat hormone. We don’t want that. Plus stress can cause emotional eating. We don’t want to blow our budgets either.

So just keep at it and the pounds will do their job and melt off like Popsicles in this 100 degree heat.

Fitness Tip: Pain vs Being Sore

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There is a fine line between the day after soreness and real pain.

After any good workout, you should be sore. That is the sign that your muscles have been worked to their limits and pushed just beyond. This kind of soreness should last around 2 days. Being sore shouldn’t prevent you from exercising more. In fact, moving, stretching, and ridding yourself of lactic acid may in fact help.

But if you are in true pain, the kind where regular activity is painful and the pain is sharp or tearing rather than dull and generalized – then you might be more than sore. If that’s the case, further activity might make it worse.

Take time to evaluate and be honest with yourself. Are you using regular aches and pains to get out of a workout? Or could you be really injured?

I’m stuck in the latter category, much to my dismay. The quad and knee injury from the marathon are not going away. I keep trying to run, but have to stop after one mile. This is where I need to take my own advice and assess. Even though it kills me, my leg needs time to heal. It will hamper my weight loss not to mention the training for Park City half marathon next month. But sometimes not exercising can be just as important to your health as exercising.

So in the meantime, it’s lots of yoga, Pilates and arm work. Running will just have to wait.

Snack Smart: Cake workout

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For dinner, my family went to Beto’s. My favorite thing on the planet is flan. Mexican custard. Depending on the size, it is 200-350 calories. The one I opted for was at the high end of the scale.

Before eating it, I made a conscious choice. I had been eating high protein all day, plus lots of fruit and veggies. So treat wise, I could fit it in. But if I had it, then I would need to make room in my budget. My caloric budget. Which was already spent for the day. So my only choice is to wave goodbye to my favorite treat. Or eat it and earn the calories. Just like I have to pay the restaurant, I need to pay my body in exercise.

For the record, every bite was savored. And now I am off to run 3 1/2 miles to pay for my treat. Totally worth it.

For the record

Fitness Tip + Snack Smart: Muscle Fuel

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Kathy working out

I know, I forgot to blog yesterday. So this is both a fitness tip and a snack smart.

Our bodies are machines. Machines need fuel. What kind of fuel depends on the task you are asking it to perform.

High endurance athletes need lots of carbs for energy and glucose stores.
PMSing women need lots of chocolate to survive the week.
Body builders need lots of protein to build muscle.

Where are you in the fuel spectrum? I am going from marathon training — high endurance– to muscle toning. Now I will in no way shape of form be a bodybuilder, but I need protein just the same. Not like, 10 shakes a day protein, but enough to build up the muscles I am breaking down. I generally shoot for 90 grams a day.

Now that sounds like a lot. And you are probably picturing me walking around with a steak in my mouth. But protein doesn’t have to just come from red meat. Here are some of my favorite alternate routes for protein intake:

Protein shake– whey in particular. Nasty, but effective and fast
Protein bar– not my favorite. Uber nasty and can often have high sugar content you need to watch. And saturated fats.
Cottage cheese– my stand by. 14 g per half cup. One cup of this in the morning with some berries and I am on my way.
Legumes– fancy word for beans. Chili is yummy.
Nuts– filled with protein, these tasty treats can also include healthy fats in your diet. This doesn’t mean to eat the whole can.

Think of your car for a minute. Would you pour sugar into your gas tank? No. I’m not saying to go sugar free, just emphasizing that the wrong fuel for your body and its tasks can make you sputter and die on the side of the road.