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If you are familiar with my book, you probably know I really struggled with being much heavier than my skinny husband. It nearly killed our marriage, mostly because I was obsessed about it. But he shared some of the blame as well. Thankfully, we were able to overcome it and save our marriage, and that was before I ever even lost a pound. It’s a lot about being open and honest about feelings and what the real cause of your unhappiness it. Sometimes we become too close to the situation and are blind to what is really happening.


MTV True Life is doing a show on just this issue and they’ve asked for my help in finding people to be on the show. Going on TV and showing the world your feelings can be tough, I understand. But the amount of mail I have received from my husband’s and my appearance on the Today Show proves that television and books can be a powerful way to reach out and get help or help others. I’m going to post their casting call, and if you think you fit the bill, you can reply here or email me and I will get you in contact with the director of the show instead of mucking through email circles.

Even if a TV show isn’t right for you, get help and a healthy flow of communication flowing. No matter how much you love someone, if you feel belittled or judged, that love will die. Including the love we have for ourselves when we are the ones making snide remarks at our reflections.



  1. I really want to be apart of the hit MTV show True Life. Even though my story is very different from yours, because I’m 15 years old, I still think my story will fit the show. Please contact my email at so I can express to you and the world about my pain and struggle. Thank you

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