FbF Free Offer Results

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Your Daily Calorie Budget:

Height:0 ft 0 in
Weight:0 lbs
Calorie budget:0 calories per day

If you’re pretty much a lump on the couch, like I was, this is how many calories you can spend each day to maintain your current weight. If you want to lose a pound or so a week, you need to underspend by 500 calories a day. I recommend a combination of eating less and moving more, but sometimes, that’s not possible given injuries or health issues.

Give the budget a try for a month. You may need to increase or decrease the number, depending on how your body responds. The most important part of the budget — is keeping it. Commit to yourself now that you will do whatever it takes to meet your budget goal. Everyday. If weight loss is your goal, you can finish it. You may not be swimsuit ready in 2 months, but if you eat less and move more, the results will come. Failure only happens when we give up.

If I can do it after years and hundreds of pounds gained and lost, so can you. And I’m here to help. Join the Finished being Fat community on Facebook to interact with others or get advice and encouragement from me.

Start your path to fitness with some yoga — great for the body and the mind. Go on Youtube and watch my beginning yoga video. Yes, that’s right. After falling over countless times, and starting out not being able to see my toes – let alone touch them – I became a certified Sport Yoga instructor.

Now that you’ve got your starting line, finish it!

13 thoughts on “FbF Free Offer Results”

  1. Bought the kindle version this morning and couldn’t put it down. What a great read and it actually gave me my ah ha moment. Didn’t realize I wasn’t a finisher until today. This will be my go to book for inspiration for a lot of things. Thank you. ( I never review books or leave comments either) You have really opened my eyes to a lot of things. God Bless!

  2. I loved your book. I feel like you did when you fit the floor. I am at my worst and the worst part is I brought my daughter down with me. She is 14yrs and the same weight as me! So we started our journey together. We have each lost 10 lbs in 2 months. But now it is staying motivated. She wants to run a 5K. I am lucky to go to the bathroom by myself. I am not sure I have the strength to pull both of us through this finish line and maintain my duties as wife,mom, homeschooler, driver, cook ,etc,,,, How did you find the will power to get your up and going?

  3. I picked up a copy of your book at the Knoxville Color Me Rad Race. I finished the book today! Thanks for sharing your struggles, it helps to know that others go through the same stuff that you do.

  4. I loved your book. Thank you for sharing your insightful story. I wish you much success and thank you for finishing this book so you can inspire so many. I borrowed this book from the library but plan on buying it so I can lend it to others. You ROCK. Thank you for being you!

  5. Loved your book, Betsy! Made me laugh, made me cry – I identified and was surprised how much of a mirror you held up for me to see where I have struggled. Putting words and such a clear picture to it helped anchor me as I had set 2014 as my year to achieve my goals!!! Timely message and so blessed for spending the day with your story today! Thank you! Yeah You! Yeah Me!!!

  6. Loved your book, Betsy! Made me laugh, made me cry – I identified and was surprised how much of a mirror you held up for me to see where I have struggled. Putting words and such a clear picture to it helped anchor me as I had set 2014 as my year to achieve my goals!!! Timely message and so blessed for spending the day with your story today! Thank you! Yeah You! Yeah Me!!! Thank you, Betsy! to the finish and beyond!!!

    1. Yeah you is right! Thanks for the note and I’m so glad you liked the book. I know you can finish whatever you set your mind to. Have a great year! Have a great life full of finishes!

  7. I found your book to be extremely helpful. I’m t the point where I realize it’s my mind that needs to change. The rest is just calories taken in and calories expended. But the mental part is huge and I appreciate your take on it. You’ve given me a lot to think about, so thank you.

  8. Reading your book was almost like reading my own life story! I’ve lost and gained weight for 25 years but I’ve never reached my goal weight. I even trained for and ran the Marine Corps Marathon. Initially, I did it for my son, who has neuromuscular disease and I ran to raise money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA). As I trained, I realized I was running the marathon for myself too. I was thrilled to finish and get my medal! Once the race ended, I had no purpose. It was like the day after Christmas let down you wrote of. Now almost a year and a half later, I’ve gained 40 pounds and am ashamed of myself for getting fat again and having a 26.2 sticker on my car. I know people must be thinking,”yeah right” when they see a fat lady with the 26.2 sticker on her car. I feel like I don’t deserve to have the sticker! Anyway, reading your story has inspired me to begin my weight loss journey for the last time. This time I will reach my weight loss goal and keep it there! Thanks for sharing your story!

  9. Thank you! This book was just what I needed. I kept thinking that I had not found the right diet and that’s why I was still overweight. I have tried every diet known to man but the fact is, I failed to finish. I’m do glad I saw your book and read it. Life is a marathon not a Sprint lol. Thanks again.

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