Snack Smart: Egg-cellent protein

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Remember those commercials — The incredible edible egg? This food is often slammed for cholesterol, but it has good fats as well as a complete protein with a full compliment of amino acids.

I am not advocating swallowing a half dozen raw eggs or anything, but a couple, hard boiled or scrambled, makes for an excellent small meal. Or add lots of spinach or fresh veggies to make an omelette. Be sure to skip the greasy butter.

Whenever possible, try to use organic or farm fresh eggs. From chickens not fed antibiotics or steroids. Here’s what I collected from my gorgeous gals this morning. Perfect dinner for me and my two kids. And easy enough that even I can’t screw up the cooking 🙂

Snack Smart: Breakfast

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I am not a morning person. Truth be told, I rarely have enough time to do more than run a comb through my hair and brush my teeth.

In the old days I would grab a bite to eat on the way to wherever I was headed. As you might expect, this included donuts, cinnamon rolls, and whatever came in the bag from the drive thru.

Now, even in a hurry I have time for a quick, much healthier bite. My favorites to rotate are greek yogurt with a drizzle of honey. Or a cup of cottage cheese with berries on top.  Either one is packed with protein, so I am left feeling full all morning.

If you are not a dairy person, still try to find something with protein. Kashi Go Lean is good. Or an egg.