Fitness Tip… Weight for it

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Pride can really bite you in the butt…
…and the hamstrings…
…and the biceps…
…and the chest…

Last week I went back to weight training after 2 months away while I was finishing the marathon training. So I foolishly tried to pick up exactly where I had left off.

And I paid for it everytime I moved for the rest of the week.

I didn’t want to use a lower weight because, in my head, it would mean I was weaker. Well I would much rather the slight sting to my pride than the big pain in my …

So when choosing your weights for lifting, choose wisely. Don’t pick the the same ones as your neighbor just to keep up. Don’t pick the weights based on what you used to be able to handle.

Choose your weights based solely on your fitness level THAT day. Than increase or decrease depending how that made you feel.

Your muscles will thank you.