F is for Fractured Fairy Tale

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This is one of my new favorite sub genres of fiction, the fractured fairy tale. So much so, that an idea high-jacked my Work in Progress and demanded I take notice. So I put down my adult fiction piece and started writing a fractured fairy tale.

A Fractured Fairy tale takes a well known story and turns it on it head. Changing characters, setting plots, whatever. But keeping it recognizable in some form. The one I am working on? It’s a twist on the Classic Baum Oz stories. Started as a Middle grade, but has definitely taken a YA turn. A little darker than than standard copyrighted ruby slippers.

But it’s something I am passionate about. The original work was so brilliant, that it lends itself to lots of fun to twist. I’m writing like the wind and having a blast. The little girl inside of me loves being in her own fairy tale, even if it has a lady that can take off her head.

So what’s your favorite fairy tale? Fractured or otherwise.

En-Title-ment Issues

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Here’s a word of advice for you aspiring authors. Do not get attached to your title. Because there is a decent chance you won’t get to keep it. What I mean is, you are working hard on your manuscript and it grows on you. Either like a fungus or a baby. Depends on how well its going at the time.  So you give it a name or a title in your head and you fall in love. Then you submit it to agents or publishers and someone picks it up. Then their marketing team gets a hold of it. That’s when you and your beloved title might break up.

It is the marketing team’s job to make your book the most attractive package it can. That means a stellar title and cover. But hey, I thought my title was pretty catchy. Maybe to me it was, but the team seemed to differ. Right here is where you can be in trouble. If you are very attached to your newborn book, it can be hard to accept any other name than the one you’ve blessed it with.
This is my current dilemna. I had named my manuscript the Philosophy of Finishing. Cedar Fort said, “Ehh” to that name. They batted around a few options for the next two weeks, but nothing else sounded good to me. Then they picked a title and subtitle that I was not fond of.  I was wondering “Oh no, did my book die? Will anyone want to pick it up.” I argued back and they put it to a vote on FaceBook.  We have yet to see the results.
fingers-c...At this point I think I need to trust in the experts. Its true that no one will love and know your book like you do. But your marketing team should hopeful have years of experience knowing exactly how to reach your audience and bookstore buyers. I’m hoping mine does at least. So at this point I’m going to let go and let the experts. I will post soon with the results of the survey. Cross your fingers that it’s something good.
But in the meantime, for your work in progress, realize that it’s the publisher that sets the title not you. And it’s in their best interest to makeup a good one. After all they are investing in you and your book. They need it to sell too. 🙂